Timothy Tso

P.O. Box 210

Hotevilla, AZ 86030


To: Ms. Mary Robinson, High Commissioner for Human Rights

Mr. Abdelfattah Amor, Special Rapporteur on Religious Intolerance

Mr. Francis Deng, Special Rapporteur for Internally Displaced Persons

United Nations Commission on Human Rights

Habitat-Right to housing


Re: Non-signer of the 75-year lease Agreement


Home. We grew up. I grew up in a home and in the home I grew up in is old. I have many brothers and sisters in that same home. So we started b building a home. But then we found out the US government took away all the construction materials. They said we can't do any construction there. After that happened I started thinking I need a home. I do not have a home right now. I think it is important to have a home so you have a place that you can feel safe.


The house I grew up in is made out of rocks and clay. But the government came in and changed that. They gave some people that relocated government assistance, throw away stuff and their houses fall down.


We can't even cut fresh lumber, we have to have a permit. It takes time to travel to Hopi for a permit and then they just give us a hard time. But it is impossible any way for us to do this anyway because of a man made law that tells us we can't build a home.


So long time ago our survival and way of life was based on the habitat where life comes from. They destroyed it, offering places where our habitat was. We want to keep what is left of it before they take it all away. We would like to have what is left be preserved for the future generations. We think ahead. We don't just think about the present or the mistakes that we did. And living here is the most important thing. We don't care if we get government assistance or not. We will remain. That's it.


Yours sincerely,




Timothy Tso